Wednesday, June 09, 2004
This is me, then: all raring to go to Leadership Training Camp to see my friends again. This is me, now: all drained and tired from LTC. It's 10.54 and I've finally finished my religious rites tonight. I had no rest in between rushing home, unpacking, showering and napping 30 mins. Sigh. And I thought I had best pen down my thoughts and recollections from LTC 2004.
wazzang, group 14!
We started off the day doing mostly training workshops and spending alot of time in the hall. I did learn some leadership skills there but the session wasn't as helpful as I had hoped it would have been. I endedup with a sore butt and few notes, something which later got me, and the rest of the councilites who didn't take down notes, in trouble. [ the few notes got me in trouble, not my sore butt, you idiots! =) ]
Anyway, surprisingly, the whole day full of icebreakers and training sessions was actually rather tiring and the guys in my dorm didn't end up staying up late after lights out. Oh and by the way, my group of guys in my dorm got the
double classroom even though we only had 11 people compared to other groups who had 12 and had to squeeze into one room.
eat that!, haha!
Day two was much worse. I was thinking, hey, just a twenty or so klick trek eh?
No sweat! Heck I used to train for 2.4km running half that distance! And the programme after that? Rock climbing? Damn, that sounds fun! This quickly did a 180 degree turnaround when I actually went through the activities. To start off with, during the trek my group members mostly ran out of water (they gave us a measly 500ml bottle to drink from! "training" they said... "toughens you up" they said...) about
halfway of the way. About 3/4 of the way I had a maniacal light in my eyes and I was going around saying "I'll murder
anyone for some water now!" To add insult to injury, I found out I had to piggy-back Darsha up to the summit of Bukit Timah for the last leg of the trek. Oh god, even though she's only 40 plus kg, in my state, she could well have been a hundred tons... Taking each torturous step up on the steps cut from rock was hell...I could only focus on getting up to the next step. Good training it was though, I must admit...only in times of such adversity will true colours show and perseverence win out...I learnt far more from this trek than I could have in the training sessions...
We continued with rock-climbing. Fingers were sore, legs were cramped and arms tired by the end of the climbing session. I found that even with me getting into the right position to climb further up the wall, I simply had no more strength to pull up! At night, 'sleeping', Pido, Siong Chew, Ambrose and I stayed up till 1.30 am to play 'truth-or-dare'. Though we settled only on 'truths' in the end, we had alot of fun and found out alot of things about each other... *snigger*
LTC ended on day three today, with a prayer service, some feedback and the briefing of the new council structure. Nothing much really except that I was so buggered out from yesterday's trekking I wasn't exuberant at all. But really, thank you to my group of councilers for LTC 2004: Wazzang and our facilitators: Alan and Shawn and also a big thank you to all my other friends outside my group: you made LTC real fun dudes!
(P.S. Terry, are you alright now? Sorry, the guys and I just couldn't resist wassup-ing you today on the last day before packing up and going home. Haha!)
And as the darkness closes on me/ I reach for companionship. / But when I reach for you / Away you slip. / Is it wrong to want something impossible? / Is it wrong to not deny my feelings? / Perhaps it's better I hide it all / Before the end of all things. / I'm a fool I know / For you've left me in the cold. / Go, then, go! / For as I reach for you, blue / I'm still disgusted with you.
`donovan. |10:46 PM|