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Wednesday, March 23, 2005
hmm. i'm a FOC-er. lousy grades to be sure. hai. guess i just wasnt in the mood to do exams. never studied. and to distract myself i spent time with friends and doing orientation, running away from my academics. that's the price you pay i guess.
C for lit. Actually that's my highest ever in an exam in CJ. i guess that has made me rethink my decision to drop S paper lit. i mean, i kept getting Ds, which is what everyone gets. So if i'm no different from them, others would question why i'm taking 'special' paper. which is the same question i ask myself. like, do i deserve it, or do i have the capabilities to carry on with it. tough questions, which i thought i answered already. so now, i'm thinking whether i ough to continue with my plan to drop it, or to continue with it. hai.
the icing on the cake is my GP i guess. i thought my compo would have been the better mark, with me doing an unconventional question. but in the end, it was the weaker link with 27 upon 50. the compre was my highest ever too, with 35 marks. and i always thought my compre sucked. ah well. strange things.
first day of orientation. i guess the major job of the OIC stops when planning's over. after that, i'm just overseeing and coordinating, the show's in the hands of the facils and the comm heads. today standing in front of 900 over students was simply terrifying, lucky my legs didnt shake. haha. just hope things will continue to function like today's first day. sigh.
dota trashed again. hai.
need to work out more. want the 'big guns' as miah puts it. want to get gold for my SBJ. want alot of things too. never seem to take concrete steps to obtain them. or even if i did, 'doomed to failure'. damn brave new world.
`donovan. |10:53 PM|