Friday, June 10, 2005
you know. singaporeans are a crazy lot. they place so much emphasis on grades, on your job, on how much money you have, whether you have a good looking girlfriend/boyfriend, how nice your house looks, how nice you are to your social acquaintances (by which i dont mean friends, i mean people you socialise with and probably will never see again until you need a Get-out-of-Jail-Free card) and so on and so on. i'm pretty tired of it all. this problem of image, of face is precisely what's keeping our society behind.
business: how many businesses will not dare to take unwarranted risks even if the amount they stand to lose is little? it's all about investor confidence, image of your brand name and shit. do you really think this will encourage innovation and entrepreneurs singapore? please, you cannot 'teach' people to be entrepreneurs, there are no set skills of competencies to learn. you cannot train people to be risk-takers the way you train students to pick up chinese so that they will be able to compete in the global market. if you do not drop this attitude of importance of image and stop being so timid, singapore will never succeed as an entrepreneural state.
grades: you know the reason why we have so much stress at school? why kids at 15 years old are not learning about life and how to enjoy being alive and having fun? why they are slogging away at their cca so that they can get minus 2 points for their L1R5, why they are studying 9, no in fact the trend now is 10! 10 subjects. with an extra language like german! because in the famous words of a young girl in the papers recently, you have to stand out from your peers if you wanna succeed in life. they are being so damn pressured that they even have to adapt and find joy in pure academic work! how much of a life do you seriously think these children will have. yeah yeah, she also chats online alot, gets involved in church activities, and get this, does homework for leisure?! except for the homework for leisure part, she's basically subscribing to the social norm. if she doesnt do any of these, she's not 'competitive' in today's market. she has to squeeze in only 4 hours of sleep a day because her schedule doesnt allow her otherwise. that is just plan.
stupid. how can you expect me to have respect for someone who does only that? what happened to appreciating the arts? what happened to spending just quality time, doing nothing, with your family? what happened to taking it easy on the books so that you can enjoy your childhood more? oh i'm sorry i forgot ya. homework's supposed to be leisure now! seriously, what can you expect from such children as they grow up to be youth and later working men and women? they will produce results, yes. they will keep the economy going maybe even booming, yes. but they will be pieces of social shit. they will only know how to put work first. they will only know how to interact in the work place. they will suck being family members. they will suck as parents. they will probably overwork themselves and die young. is this worth it? for what, the 5 Cs?
wakeup your bloody idea singapore. get a life. grades aren't everything. are you in it for the education? or just for the certificate you get so that you can get your 120, 000 dollar salary a year. when you die, you take nothing with you. ashes to ashes, dust to dush ok.
relationships: why does everyone go around looking for like the best looking guy/girl and hitch up to the person? alot of us have beautiful characters, and looks aren't everything. singaporeans are so damn shallow it sickens me. how many of you will cross marry? ok, maybe that's too ambitious for you. how many of you will marry someone of a total different character in several aspects? just for the challenge of working things out (ok, of course must first love each other la). you're not an adventurous lot, face it. you guys simply do not take risks, you love your couch in your comfort zone too much. and why? because again, it's all about image. if you take a boyfriend/girlfriend who looks pretty damn good, of course you wont stand out as someone weird. people will admire you and maybe even seek to emulate you. i mean, of course when looking for someone, you have to have the basic physical attraction at first. however, everyone goes for the usual guy/girl. the couples come out looking factorystamped. i'm serious. go out. and look around in town. the guys have spiked hair. wear poser pants. look handsome. and the girls have brown hair more often than not, look good and wear short skirts. and where will you find those who stand out? those who do not fit into the ready image of the bgr? at arcades, pool tables, LAN centers, watching movies alone or with another group of misfits, or probably more often than not, at home. alone. stop placing so much emphasis on factory stamped looks and characters people. it's damaging and sick.
see that advertisement by that stout company? i don't recall what it was, maybe ABC stout. anyway. the guy goes on about beingsuccessful in life. and he links it with "get that boat, get that girl, get that house, get that car...etc" stop being so materialistic. enough of image. enough of all this bullshit. life aint about work-so-you-can-get-a-high-salary, life aint about marrying or going out with a human showpiece, life aint about face. life is about reaching out to a social misfit and becoming his/her best friend and making all the difference. life is about knowing when to study, when to relax. life is about true friends, not those who are fair-weathered. life is about family. live life. before you feel death's touch and you realise what a bloody waste your life's been, hankering after things that do not really matter at all in the end.
sigh, enough bitching. think i'll relax now by doing some homework.
`donovan. |10:51 AM|