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Friday, December 16, 2005
yay. i made two people very happy today. i got my dad a 600 dollar hp after he was complaining that his phone
a) looks like a female phone
b) has no features
c) sms does not save if u quit writing it
d) looks like huishan's phone (eh he didnt complain that, i just wrote it)
so my dad was happy this christmas he got a gift from me, the first expensive one.
and chip was happy i got her a squirrel TY beanie baby. acutally she was pestering me for a gift jokingly that afternoon and before going down to meet her and some of the t19 gang i just bought it on a spur in plaza sing since i was already there. yup. feels good to make ppl happy.
on the other hand i wish people will make me happy. lol.
`donovan. |12:19 AM|