Tuesday, June 29, 2004
*failure of power!]]
blackĀ·out n
1. a temporary loss of consciousness, sight, or memory
2. a refusal to broadcast radio or television programs, or a sports event for which tickets are still available
3. the withholding of news or information about a subject, especially by official sources
4. a failure of an electrical supply
5. a period during wartime in which all lights are to be turned off or covered up at night to prevent towns from being seen from enemy aircraft
6. a loss of radio communication between an aircraft or ship and headquarters
Explanation #4. My area of residence just recovered from a blackout lasting 45 mins starting from 2215hrs! My parents had just got into the lift and
wham! the blackout hit, trapping them inside. I was about to get back to my math revision, no correction:
start on it when the blackout hit. Parents called and asked me to try to get the lift company from the toll-free number 1800-354-3333. I dialed so many times I've memorised the number already. Couldn't get through at all. So for 45 mins, I was alternating between this number and calling Ben, Praseeda, Mom and Joy. The lighter I was using for illumination apparently warped the plastic because of prolonged use and the flame got out of control, burning through the plastic to lick at my fingers. I eventually resorted to my 8250's blue light to provide light for me to use the telephone. I heard from Ben that Rachel was cursing like there was no tomorrow. =) Ah well, I did manage to gain something from this though. I found out that without the lights from the nearby blocks of flats, everything looks different and strangely,
nice. You don't get to see a whole area of flats without any illumination from corridor lights. So, cheers to that. =)
`donovan. |11:48 PM|
Saturday, June 26, 2004
*old men lectures]]
Relating the events of friday:
Literature Paper 1 and 3. I think I screwed up big time despite studying till 4 am the night before. Sigh, I guess the important thing was that I tried my best at it...whatever will be, will be. *balls to it ya, haha* After the paper, I was chillin in the council room, laughing at poor friends who had CL A and CL B: Halim, Khai, Joy and Tracy. When Gughan was done with his chemistry lesson, he met up with me and we changed into our running gear and left our stuff in the council room, running to Chinese High from CJC, stopping over at SJI and then Serene Center.
At SJI, we said hi to a couple of teachers. Bro Mike wasn't free though, so we couldn't protest the 'girls-in-SJI' issue with him. Afterall, our catch phrase
is "Becoming
MEN of faith and service"... Didn't see no mention of women inside right? Josephians, revolt! Anyway, back to the encounter in SJI. On our way out, we saw Mr Ghani, the good old lab tech who used to set up my lab apparatus back when i was doing triple science lab sessions, and he said hi and we started talking...
for a long time. He gave us a lecture including, but not limited to, economics, history and family values. He started off with telling us he was on his way to KK hospital since he just had a new grand-daughter... Naturally Gughan and I congratulated him and he went on to say that he had 11 grandchildren at only age 60...and he outlined why. After his pre u studies he went to India and married at age 19. Then he proceeded to tell us why we can't do that today. With today's economy we can't afford that. Then he told us in
his time he could buy alot of things with 10 bucks, whereas 50 bucks isn't even worth much now. Then he lectured us on filial piety, before somehow morphing the conversation into an account of World War 1, 2 and 3. He even placed WW1 as Hitler taking over the world, then WW2 as the current Iraq/USA feud...He then went on to speculate WW3... God, he was giving us wrong information man! During several points of the conversation, Gughan and I stole looks at each other and we both wanted to laugh out loud, but were biting our lips out of respect for the guy. Hilarious stuff, really.
`donovan. |11:31 PM|
Friday, June 18, 2004
*homeless people can fly!]]
Settled some stuff today. I settled some misunderstandings between Peter and I and closed a chapter of my life I was trying to rectify since the middle of term 2. Thank god it's over. On a lighter note: Went to meet Gughan today for lunch and a lil unwinding. At lunch at the chicken rice stall, I ordered a plate of chicken rice while Gughan was content to eat a plate of rice only with sauce. End result: the chinese stall woman approached me later as I was paying and asked if Gughan wanted some soup. Apparently she thought he was a homeless fella and needed food! She was saying in chinese that
we should help such people if they need help. I was smiling and laughing as I clarified with her that he just wasn't hungry and he wasn't homeless. The people in the sitting area were looking at us and while the woman was going all concerned and all and I was laughing, Gughan was pestering me since he didn't understand what was going on:
dey, what's she saying? why is everyone looking at me? This made me even more hysterical with laughter! Of course later I explained it to Gughan. The look on his face was priceless! And later, cause he wanted his card to top up automatically, he went to tap his card in a bus he wasn't going to take but he forgot to tap the exit so the GIRO could kick in! Haha! I could just imagine the look on the bus driver's face.
The bus driver is driving his usual monotonous route. At this particular bus stop, he gets a passenger who gets up the bus at the entrace, taps his EZ Link card, and walks back out. He laughes so hard after driving off that the bus careens off the side of the road that it overturns and explodes, killing everyone inside instantaneously.
Maybe the last sentence wasn't true, but you get the idea. =D
`donovan. |6:52 PM|
Thursday, June 17, 2004

PASSIONATE LOVER. You love to love, always looking
for a relationship. You cannot live without it.
Your lover must be passionate and you want
that you and your partner melt into each other.
He/She should not try to take the domination .
You dont want a relationship without passion,
and the sexuality plays a big part. The first
moment you meet him/her is one of the most
important. There has to be something between
you , you cannot explain. From the first moment
on everything must fix. But when this passion
disappears you disappear to. For you it is
better to leave than to see your love
~THE big LOVE TEST!! What do you need? With PICS! For girls and boys!~ brought to you by Quizilla
`donovan. |12:26 AM|
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
*gimme a pump! I said, "PUMP ME QUICK!"]]
That was a phrase oft heard during my three day kayaking expedition... God, I don't ever want to see another godforsaken Southern Island or choppy waters for some time to come. Don't get me wrong okay? The experience was worth it no doubt, but I won't wanna be repeating it anytime soon alright? Anytime in the near future...hmm...future...hmm...make that
distant future...
Day before expedition [Sunday 13th June]
Went out with Gughan,
again, to play some LAN, get our asses thrashed, and to talk about some serious shit problems in our lives over Big N' Tasty and cheese burgers. Wanted to get some studying done with him, but as usual, time didn't allow...I really gotta stop such outings.. They're eating up my studying days! By the time I got home,
viola, I only had the night to pack my stuff for the expedition. So
like Donovan, packing and doing things at the last possible minute. *smirks* Amazingly, I could fall asleep without much hassle...probably was due to the fact that I slept only at one plus after finishing packing...
Day 1 of the expedition
Arrived early at the Big Splash to repack my bag and stuff all my stuff into Ziplocs provided by kind ol' Gabriel. We set off after leaving behind unnecessary stuff. First thing i noticed about the expedition: the distance we trained for in the training sessions were like probably, 1/5 of the daily amount of kayaking we had to do as we island hopped. This was bad news, considering I considered training tough. I got quite seasick on the first day as when we rafted up together, the waves pushed at our boats and caused our boats to slam against each other, which really ends up in quite a bad experience if you end up with headache/seasickness like me. Afterall, I DID eat a breakfast meal at Macs and drank a large Coke before setting off. My partner was a canoeist called Joyce. We came late to the beach, and had to settle for the salem (is that how it's spelt? it's sure pronounced the same as the cigarette brand though) which meant we had no luggage compartment and it was unstable and not really suited for expedition purposes. And it wasn't even
our boat to begin with! Orry stole ours...the normal expedition one..leaving us to ask friends to help stuff in OUR luggage into THEIR boats. Hmph. We found out just how unstable the salem was after taking it out to sea in choppy waters in the shipping lanes. Every ten minutes the water level would rise to our thighs, then we would pull over and pump out the water like mad. (Pido: You would have laughed if you saw us, the up-down motion of the cylinder like pump...with water jetting out of the nozzle at the top.. haha!) After pumping out water, we found out we were the last in the group with the rest
far ahead. Paddling as fast as our tired arms (from pumping *smirk*) would allow, we caught up to the bunch of them rafted up ahead. And yet we were granted no quarter or rest! Minutes after our arrival, the instructor began leading us to continue again! And trying as hard as we could to keep up in the choppy waters, after ten minutes the kayak started filling with water again. And thus repeated the process for the whole of our kayaking experience for day 1. After what seemed like an endless session of kayaking, we reached our destination: Saint John's Island. Quite a nice island actually, with quite a view of the city skyline at night, but alas, it lacked sorely in ventilation with little or no wind at times. Pasta was on the menu for dinner and after showering and eating, we settled down to a night of starlight sky and truth-or-dare (though we did only truths, sigh) with Jon Chan, Eddie, Joy and Esther. We fell asleep after that, though the heat was enough to wake Joy up several times. Jon himself knocked me awake once, and after that I sat awake, looking across the water and the sky for an hour or so.
Day 2 of the expedition
Woke up to a nice morning. Found out that with sleeping in the open, sunlight tends to wake you up earlier. Usually light only filters into my room by 11, thus you get the idea what time I wake up at. Anyway, after a sluggish start with breakfast and washing up and packing up the campsite, we dallied somewhat until 10 plus. I took the time to set things straight with someone I needed to set things straight with for a long time. After breakfast while waiting for the expedition leaders to call the shot to leave St John's, I took a nap. Just as I was really starting to sleep, Joyce shouted for me to get up.
Sigh I knew another day of hard paddling awaited me. Trudging to the beach we set off. We had lunch at Pulau Jong, a mysterious 'hamburger' island in the middle of shipping lanes. It was little more than a rocky island with a beach that could be measured in feet, with an abrupt rocky wall with lotsa vegetation on top of it. There, after lunch, we set off. My salem had problems launching off with the violent waves lapping at Pulau Jong and eventually got caught between two rocks. Knowing how fragile the fibreglass boat was, I quickly hopped out and pulled the salem out from the rocks with my partner still in the backseat. The wave then sucked out the boat further and the hull of the boat then crushed my leg onto some hidden rocks at the bottom of the water. I fell and threw out my hand onto what I thought was sand only to find I had placed my hand on another bit of sharp rock! Thank god I was wearing gloves. I lifted up my leg from teh water to get into the canoe and what looked like minor scratches leaving white lines later started bleeding until the whole area was blood red. When I saw it I got a shock and used sea water to clean the wounds.
Ahh, so shiok I then hitched a ride on the bumboat to the next destination: Pulau Hantu Besar, as an invalid. Once we reached Pulau Hantu I unloaded my stuff from my friend's canoe and again proceeded to wash up, set up camp and eat dinner and slack around. I found out that my handphone and mp3 player short-circuited due to seawater despite Esther's double Ziploc bag... ah well. Got round to a
fantastic shower (remember the cuts?) and slacked around waiting for dinner. Dinner was nice too, with rice, curry vegetables, potatoes and sweet-and-sour fish. Jon and I went back for seconds. After dinner we had astro lessons and I discovered people I could talk about blackholes, singularity, wormholes and Superstring theory without them going
huh? We had a talk-cock/tell-joke session around a bunsen lamp and later, without, with Jon, Orry, Adrian, Joy and Eddie. Hilarious fun at night with the wind like a fan constantly set at level 3. All kinds of jokes were told: racism, religious and blondes, not to mention lame ones. For some reason the others had to leave, leaving me only with Joy...
*idiots abandoned me! you'll pay i swear... After they came back we tried to tell somemore jokes but to no avail and eventually settled for sleep on the grass near the beach. This time the wind was simply fantastic and with the nightsky clearer than the previous night, our attempts at another session of truth-or-dare failed and I dozed off when we were supposed to ask Joy a question. I was awoken later by Jon to move to the ferry area to sleep. The conversation went roughly like this:
Jon: Don! I turned on your phone. It works! It asked for a PIN. We gotta go man.
Dono scratches stomach
Dono: Hmm..
Dono goes back to sleep.
Jon whacks Dono, and he awakes with a start.
Dono: Wha..? What's happening?
Jon: Gotta go la, canoeing captain said must evac to the ferry.
And so I 'evac-ed' to the ferry, grabbing my sleeping bag and shuffling to the ferry. I found out later that there was a sighting of a centipede on the grass of the beach and the captain ordered all to sleep at the ferry where there was concrete ground. Bah. I woke up at 4am and found Eddie shifting to sleep next to me and asked him to accompany me to the toilet which had no lighting. Surprisingly, the island didn't live up to its name and no
hantu confronted us. And so ended the second day without further events happening.
Day 3 of the expedition
Opened my eyes at 7. Finally awoke at 7 plus. Talked with friends as we packed up our sleeping bags. Found out that we could sleep till 8. Fell back asleep till 8. Got up for breakfast which was fish and coleslaw. Took group pictures before warming up again for the return trip. Took back my stuff from Esther and put it into a Ziploc bag and took my 4 packages of luggage and decided to dump them on the bumboat instead of the kayaks. We set off for a grueling long distance kayaking trip from Pulau Hantu all the way back to Singapore. At this point I guess I was pretty used to kayaking long distance and the motions of the waves so getting seasick or really tired wasn't much of a problem, though my arms and side abs started hurting since I was twisting to row more efficiently. We had to cross the shipping lanes again, which I was really starting to curse, seeing that how lousy the salem was in trying to control the direction in such choppy waters. Can't be helped, really...since the damn boat's so light. We rowed. And rowed. And rowed. And rowed. And rowed. By now my lovely cuts were still hurting and so I decided to tap into the pain sadistically. I agreed to 'sprint' with Joyce, using the pain as motivation. As a result, every so often, I would be screaming a warcry and
chiong ah! and we would paddle 5 to 10 hard, fast and long strokes and the salem would leap forward, provided it was on rather still waters. However, this monotonous tune changed at about 2 plus when we reached the waters of Sentosa. We were supposed to kayak around it but there, the currents and waves were really treacherous with a slightest current pulling us nearly 40 degrees off course and the waves really high, threatening to capsize us. We survived ten to fifteen minutes in those waters before one really high wave took us down. We were the first to capsize but not the last. Thank god the salem had no luggage inside and all my stuff was on a bumboat. We hauled up the salem onto the bumboat and sat there, spending the next hour or so rescuing other boats from the water and also recovering others who did not capsize at all since the expedition leader aborted the expedition halfway. We were already running late at 4.30 recovering boats and stacking them on the bumboat. Believe me, things are heavy and hard enough to load onto the bumboat without the sea waving up and down. We proceeded back to Singapore via bumboat with about 7 or 8 kayaks loaded up onto the boat. Even with the motorboat, the journey took fairly long and Matthew and I were shocked at how much more had to be covered after rounding Sentosa... No way would we have been able to cover such a distance back and it would have definitely been late by the time we beached up at East Coast. After reaching the East Coast, we proceeded to launch the boats back into the water and kayak back to the shore. The last three: Benny, Orry and I ended up swimming back to shore for lack of boats. After that we hosed off at Paddle Culture and helped to hose off the boats and equipment as they came backin batches. I recovered my wet and sandy luggage and found out that my handphone and mp3 player was wet again! This time, my handphone didn't work again and seawater even went behind the damn screen! I found out later that the phone was irrepairable. God, I really should have listened to my parents and not bring it to the trip. Idiot. I didn't stay for debriefing. I showered, changed, and left for home withmy dad waiting for me at the carpark at Big Splash already. Came home, unpacked my stuff, soaked my dirty clothes and proceeded to blog down my experiences. I still felt as if the floor was moving! After finishing with abit of the experiences I decided I needed my sleep and went and hit the sack.
`donovan. |11:00 PM|
Saturday, June 12, 2004
*i dreamt of a fool's fool...and now the fool is me]]
Had EXCO nominations in the morning today. They will first choose the top twelve leaders and let the leaders choose amongst themselves the positions they want. Frankly I don't think I can get the post I want. At this rate, I'm worried I can't even get into EXCO...ah...screw it all.
Just listening to Elan Atias's
Slave to Love. Was just reflecting on my life, and the way things aren't going the way I want them to. Heck, I can't remember a time when things
did go the way I wanted them to. Council stuff: EXCO wise doesnt look very pretty. Studies: Just can't seem to start studyingin earnest...I'm gonna fuck up my mid years. How
cool is that? Personal: My family troubles may have coem to a close...I don't know yet..this 'war' has been raging for so long, it's so hard for me to believe it's over, or is it really? And I find that in other areas, I'm a real good illusionist.
I've spun a web of lies so brilliantly concocted by myself that I've fooled even myself. Especially myself. I've trapped no one but myself. I can probably console myself that I'm a fool: a romantic fool who never learns from his mistakes, but truth be told, in reality, that doesnt help me much right now. I feel so many conflicting emotions, all equally strong, all tugging at me, feelings of hate, feelings of anger, feelings of disgust, feelings of liking. I
need to get myself sorted out soon, before I do something stupid, before I tear myself to bits because of this. I guess I'm just...
lost. And contrary to what
some people think, I don't have it all, okay?
`donovan. |10:02 PM|
Friday, June 11, 2004
I thought Pido had some very good points to say on LTC. I agree whole-heartedly. This is what he said:
"I was doing some reflection on LTC and came to the conclusion that contradiction and too high expectations will kill you.
1. Group Development
Every group will take time to bond, and be enthusiastic. The group will have to go through a number of stages.
Such a process will take over a year to cultivate. How can you expect a proper group to be formed in less than 3 days? A hyper screaming shouting group might seem like a proper group, but is it really? When it comes to the crunch, the difficult part of planning and executing tasks, will they be able to gel together? Having fun and laughing together does not make a proper group.
2. Group Dynamics
Every group has different people but all are leaders in their own right. It may be seem that they are just silent and followers, yet to lead you must learn how to follow. Sometimes, all you need to do, is to fade to let others shine.
Come on, open your eyes, if the "Leader" refuses to take into account your perspective after you tell him it over 6 times, of course you're going to shut up and not let group UNITY be affected.
A group can only have so many "Leaders". If you expect all to be "Leaders", don't you understand that there will be conflict of opinions? A true leader knows when to step back to let others have a swing at hitting.
Following is also as important as leading. It is a silent method of leadership, without the glory and the attention. It is called servant leadership. You do things without wanting to be noticed - the silent leader, the one who does not glorify his deeds.
Everyone has their own strengths, you should not just notice the ones who are in the limelight, look at those who are quiet and notice their strengths, LOOK AT THE SMALL THINGS.
3. Elitism
Throughout the camp, I get the impression that the teachers believe that the Council is an Elite Group, a bunch of Super Leaders. This cannot be true. Can it?
Once we begin thinking ourselves as elite, we are going to lose the little respect that we have, we are going to lose the little standing we have amongst our peers. There are many others out there who are so much better than us who did not choose to run for council. Let me list a few, Shamus, Jackson etc etc.. Shamus would have made a wonderful councillor with his enthusiasm. Still can't forget him belaying me during rock climbing. I really wanted to conquer that frigging wall, because he was there giving me support.
The moment you start thinking you're better, you're going to be shot down. We are not better than others. We are merely ordinary people given an extraordinary chance to SERVE others. As a servant leader, we must not be above others, but below them. Serving others is an honour, it is a form of leadership.
The way you serve must be through the actions you perform, not the words you speak. Shouting and screaming and cheering has no effect on gaining respect. Let's take an example, would you rather a rah rah let's have fun all day person doing an important project or a committed one doing it for you?
4. Bonding with other leaders
This relates closely to the above point. Talking to them, being in the group with them, actually ensures a human touch to council. It will show others that we are human, we can fail, we are not perfect. Isn't that helpful? That way, when we are unable to achieve certain things, they will understand that it is not our fault.
How do you expect us to gain their support if we don't even know them? We will be seen as arrogant, self-centred if we are grouped together.
Also, in what other ways do you want us to gain their support under the system of the camp? The camp was built around a group system. You can't cross boundaries even if you wanted to. Aharai wanted to co-operate with another group during certain activities, but were denied that chance. See! Look at your flawed system before condemning us."
`donovan. |8:55 PM|
Last time I talked to you,
you were lonely and out of place.
You were looking down on me,
lost out in space.
Laid underneath the stars,
strung out and feeling brave.
Watch the riddles glow,
watch them float away.
Down here in the atmosphere,
garbage and city lights,
you gotta save your tired soul,
you gotta save our lives.
Turn on the radio,
to find you on sattellite,
I'm waiting for the sky to fall,
I'm waiting for a sign.
All we are is all so far.
You're falling back to me,
the star that I can't see.
I know you're out there,
somewhere out there.
You're falling out of reach,
defying gravity,
I know you're out there,
somewhere out there.
Hope you remember me,
when you're homesick and need a change.
I miss your purple hair,
I miss the way you taste.
I know you'll come back someday,
on a bed of nails awake.
I'm praying that you don't burn out,
or fade away.
All we are is all so far.
You're falling back to me,
the star that I can't see.
I know you're out there,
somewhere out there.
You're falling out of reach,
defying gravity,
I know you're out there,
somewhere out there.
You're falling back to me,
the star that I can't see.
I know you're out there, oh.
You're falling out of reach,
defying gravity....
I know you're out there,
somewhere out there.
You're falling back to me,
the star that I can't see.
I know you're out there,
somewhere out there.
You're falling out of reach,
defying gravity,
I know you're out there,
somewhere out there.
You're falling back to me.
Well I know,
I know.
You're falling out of reach.
I know...
`donovan. |8:10 PM|
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
This is me, then: all raring to go to Leadership Training Camp to see my friends again. This is me, now: all drained and tired from LTC. It's 10.54 and I've finally finished my religious rites tonight. I had no rest in between rushing home, unpacking, showering and napping 30 mins. Sigh. And I thought I had best pen down my thoughts and recollections from LTC 2004.
wazzang, group 14!
We started off the day doing mostly training workshops and spending alot of time in the hall. I did learn some leadership skills there but the session wasn't as helpful as I had hoped it would have been. I endedup with a sore butt and few notes, something which later got me, and the rest of the councilites who didn't take down notes, in trouble. [ the few notes got me in trouble, not my sore butt, you idiots! =) ]
Anyway, surprisingly, the whole day full of icebreakers and training sessions was actually rather tiring and the guys in my dorm didn't end up staying up late after lights out. Oh and by the way, my group of guys in my dorm got the
double classroom even though we only had 11 people compared to other groups who had 12 and had to squeeze into one room.
eat that!, haha!
Day two was much worse. I was thinking, hey, just a twenty or so klick trek eh?
No sweat! Heck I used to train for 2.4km running half that distance! And the programme after that? Rock climbing? Damn, that sounds fun! This quickly did a 180 degree turnaround when I actually went through the activities. To start off with, during the trek my group members mostly ran out of water (they gave us a measly 500ml bottle to drink from! "training" they said... "toughens you up" they said...) about
halfway of the way. About 3/4 of the way I had a maniacal light in my eyes and I was going around saying "I'll murder
anyone for some water now!" To add insult to injury, I found out I had to piggy-back Darsha up to the summit of Bukit Timah for the last leg of the trek. Oh god, even though she's only 40 plus kg, in my state, she could well have been a hundred tons... Taking each torturous step up on the steps cut from rock was hell...I could only focus on getting up to the next step. Good training it was though, I must admit...only in times of such adversity will true colours show and perseverence win out...I learnt far more from this trek than I could have in the training sessions...
We continued with rock-climbing. Fingers were sore, legs were cramped and arms tired by the end of the climbing session. I found that even with me getting into the right position to climb further up the wall, I simply had no more strength to pull up! At night, 'sleeping', Pido, Siong Chew, Ambrose and I stayed up till 1.30 am to play 'truth-or-dare'. Though we settled only on 'truths' in the end, we had alot of fun and found out alot of things about each other... *snigger*
LTC ended on day three today, with a prayer service, some feedback and the briefing of the new council structure. Nothing much really except that I was so buggered out from yesterday's trekking I wasn't exuberant at all. But really, thank you to my group of councilers for LTC 2004: Wazzang and our facilitators: Alan and Shawn and also a big thank you to all my other friends outside my group: you made LTC real fun dudes!
(P.S. Terry, are you alright now? Sorry, the guys and I just couldn't resist wassup-ing you today on the last day before packing up and going home. Haha!)
And as the darkness closes on me/ I reach for companionship. / But when I reach for you / Away you slip. / Is it wrong to want something impossible? / Is it wrong to not deny my feelings? / Perhaps it's better I hide it all / Before the end of all things. / I'm a fool I know / For you've left me in the cold. / Go, then, go! / For as I reach for you, blue / I'm still disgusted with you.
`donovan. |10:46 PM|
Sunday, June 06, 2004
thou shalt forgive]]
Apology accepted. I forgive and I try to forget. But remember you: Once bitten, twice shy. I trust that you'll
learn from your mistakes this time.
On a lighter note: Leadership Camp's tomorrow!
Aw-right man! 3 days of activites to have fun with my council mates! Sure am looking forward to seeing you all there and have fun alright? =D
(P.S. For those who can't infer from the above: it means there'll be no updates for the next three days, slow coaches!)
`donovan. |10:43 PM|
[:: feelings of paranoia, inconsideration and unstability ::]]]
hmph. The idiocy of even the closest of friends still amazes me to this day. I demand my apology. I've had enough. This is the straw that broke this camel's back. I will not tolerate your paranoia, inconsideration and rudeness to me and your unstability no more. The true classic case of
familiarity breeds contempt.
everything you say to me / takes me one step closer to the edge / and i'm about to break - Linkin Park [One Step Closer]
`donovan. |12:42 AM|
Saturday, June 05, 2004
at the dawn]]
"And therein in my mind rang the echoes / Reflecting the haunting pleasures and woes"
And here I am: creating a blog for the fun of it. This has led me to question why I even wanna blog. I suppose it's not for the fact that I want others to read my thoughts, but rather because I need an outlet somewhere for the haunting echoes of my thoughts.
Stayed home. Rotten day today. I feel as though I was unable to do anything today. I couldn't get any work done, neither did I manage to entertain myself today. Yet another day has slipped by like sand through my fingers even as I grasp at its remainder now. Some days just feel useless.
Freedom. I guess one never knows what he has till its gone. And I savour it yet again. Yet, beyond that pleasure from the setting sun of imprisonment, I reach for the day. I guess I long for fulfillment and companionship. But the sweetness of liberty is something I don't wish to give up right now. Not...quite...yet. I guess I'll just treat every interaction, every failure and every success as learning experiences. And move on. Life doesn't wait for the slow.
`donovan. |7:51 PM|