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Sunday, July 02, 2006
2nd week of sispec. here i am.
1) 9:49 for 2.4 run. my fittest ever. 230 for SBJ, my farthest ever jump. nearer than ever to my IPPT gold. hence that'll be a goal to work towards. wish me luck on tuesday for my test.
2) SOC, now can do all obstacles including the goddamned
low rope. it's all about technique and mental. grin and bear it.
3) i resolve to do my best in SISPEC. where i go, i will not bother much. cross over, or remaining a spec to me is immaterial. what's important is the 110% you put into training.
4) i resolve to forget that i have CDT duty on sunday and that i'll most likely burn my weekend doing it only booking out for a couple hours next weekend. nevermind, all in the name of duty.
5) i resolve to forget you.
6) i resolve to get stronger, physically and mentally.
prove to you people what i can do. it's really pissing me off, constantly being at the bottom. now that i've a chance to get near the top, i'll show you. just. wait.
`donovan. |6:56 PM|