Sunday, January 01, 2006
you had this look that of an angel, it was such a bad disguise.]]
hAPPY nEW yEAR people!
alright man. new year. i don't really feel any different, i spent the night at home doing midnight prayers while all my friends were outside partying away. sigh, sucks eh? BUT. started it on a good note i guess, after prayers i swindled my dad out of 20 bucks playing blackjack. which was good. lol.
met sanjay and tze wei and his classmate for a jamming session today. it was fun! haha we play quite well, only some rhythm synchronisation problems initially and the fact that tze and i totally. cannot. sing. we're on the lookout for a singer! come talk to any of us if you're interested k? don't worry about the playing aspect, we're pros. *grin* just need a good voice to supplement.
and after that at night, went for some dota on the spur of the moment. tze and his classmate vs me and sanjay. haha raped ass! i randomed lion, heh heh. those of you who know what heroes i use, you know what to expect. later, we 4 joined up to play a 5 v 5 against pubs. haha, it was a tough fight, but my lycan prevailed. end score 28-9. 1 heart, 3 bashers 1 power treads and 1 mask of madness. so tonight ruled too!
thanks to all those who bothered to sms me happy new year!
jean simon krishnan sophie man yun cheryl ravi. love you guys, good luck in whatever you decide to dabble in this year.
it's been a hellavu JC life, and 2005 as well. let's see, failed most major exams, barely got through council. 3 crushes. 2 expeditions. 1 overseas community service trip. i'm glad that the As are over... but i'm afraid for the mess i made out of it. i'll miss the corridors of the school. mass pe. the school events. doing
sai kang. organising elaborate plans of attack to wassup people. getting wassuped myself. painting banners. running. soccer. hanging around in school. obsessions with dota. the high school drama that is. the soap opera that is part of my life. the good teachers. the bad ones. the copying across classes. the information stolen about tests from other classes who already took it earlier in the day. the good friends. the enemies. the forgotten ones. the politics, both in class and council. the crazy stuff we did. orientation. rockafella. night study. when we don't really study at all, but talk dota, talk incessantly, and look out for hot chicks. macdonalds study sessions, which weren't really study sessions at all but preludes to LAN. the stupid chicken little dragostea din tei playing in the background every 5 mins. learning how to network. learning how to interact with girls, after 4 years in monk school. the bright blue uniform that was my
spezial one that made me look enlightened by above in a sea of dull blue. the horror and nervousness when you find out you're supposed to do the school pledge during morning assembly, in front of 1600 plus students. (i never screwed it up once! haha, unlike miah: "we the citizens of singapore pledge ourselves at all times..." and gughan "pledge ourselves as one united kingdom")
yes, those memories, and more. it's been a rollercoaster ride up and down. and my close friends will know. lemme take the opportunity to thank you, for being there and staying by my side despite idiosyncrises, despite tantrums, despite depression, and despite craziness. keep in touch, and may 2006 bring another same interesting year.
`donovan. |10:53 PM|