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Saturday, September 18, 2004
you'll never see me coming]]
Hah. Just like the Glimmerman. Woosh and you're hit. I may well be called the Glimmerman just as I sit here blogging. Not because I am a psychotic and pervertic killer (well maybe I am... but that's not the point), but because I'm glistening all over from sweat now. I just ran around jurong west, a 4 klick run.
Ow, my thighs hurt: I just got wassuped today after we did Weixiang cause I gave him "The Shoe" too hard and he wanted revenge. Of course, Pido, Gughan and the rest of ODAC were a bloodthirsty mob and they were eager to have an excuse to set on me and I got not just what Weixiang got, but something like a "7 Course Dinner". I got head-butted, knee-dropped, head-butt cum somersault, wooden-planked, broomsticked, "The Shoe"-ed back, and basketballed. There may well have been more but I suppose I was half-dazed from pain already. Oh and Julia rammed a soccer ball at me at narrowly missed.
Thank god.
"For if such actions may have passage free, bondslaves and pagans shall our statesmen be." -
Othello Act I Sc 2, Brabantio.
"I have it. It is engendered. Hell and Night must bring this monstrous birth to the world's light." -
Othello Act I Sc 3, Iago.
`donovan. |7:27 PM|