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Sunday, July 17, 2005
it's hard to describe the cocktail of emotions in me now.
sated, after a day out with friends. from breakfast with man yun at clementi, to an afternoon of fun with krishnan, gughan, joshua, louis and weili.
disappointment. not just in my results. my life in general. so tied to desires. i desire constant friendship, a reminder of the presence of friends, people who care, who give a shit what's happening to me. i desire material things. i want more clothes. i want more bags. i want my black v3 (which btw i'm spending 600 bucks on sometime during the weekdays next week, ouch). i want. i want. i want. then in terms of disappointment in school. i cannot even fulfill my duties in council, even as it trails off. i haven't finished my SA wing file, after working so long on it. i left my NYAA hanging because mr tan's not happy with my NYAA report and refuses to sign it. sonuva b***h. DISAPPOINTMENT. in all fuckin areas. how about the times i let emotions of theheart rule when ishouldnt have and they've all equaled to disappointment.
ANGER. why the fuck i got such problems at home? can never get along with my parents. i know i'm in the wrong god damnit. but. GRRRR. i can never seem to control my tongue for long when being scolded. then i'll answer back and start a fight i'll surely lose in the end, with more privelages being withdrawn. which spirals down to more anger. anger in school too. at the baseness and shallowness of some people. like wat the fuck man. nevermind. watever some people care to do, or say, or rather choose NOT to care to do or say, i couldnt give a fuckin damn anymore. in fact, i'm gonna use this rage, this anger constructively. in fact, i'm gonna be such an all rounder you faggots will have NOTHING to say. you will be sorry you underestimated me. then at least, i'll have something to say to you, when i'm through. Through with this bullshit.
you will be sorry when i'm through with you. severence and perfectionism will be
me now.
i'll show you!
`donovan. |9:29 PM|