Sunday, September 04, 2005
hmmm. bloodseeker can be quite sick. but must get the item build and skill build right first.
first of all no idiot needs strygwyr's thirst so early. whatcha gonna do? chase him past his tower at lvl 3 so he can turn around at half health and frostbite you for first blood? don't be stupid. now, the skill bloodrage is an interesting one. it increases your damage exponentially. trust me, when used on yourself, your damage increases to a sick extent. a +12 damage became +97 easily. and that's when i used a screwed up item build using 2 robe of magis and 1 staff of wizardry. a proper item build like sange & yasha gave me +170 plus after empowering myself. however, the skill comes with a cost: the person it is cast upon is silenced and takes 8 damage per second at lvl 4. now used upon yourself at mid to late game the 8 damage drain shouldn't be a problem to you because of your third skill, bloodbath which enables you to suck an insane amount of life upon killing something. the silence is the clincher however, since after driving enemies off in melee combat likely the duration for the empower is still on and thus you cant rupture them for a finishing move. hence, the only way around this problem is probably to rupture them first, empower yourself and turn on MoM or use hyperstone to up your attack speed so that you can get them scared quickly and try to run, thereby taking more damage from rupture. this is the way you deal with strength heroes and agil heroes who do not have much in the way of nuking or use skills alot.
against agil or nuking intel heroes, the bloodrage skill should be employed differently. one should cast it on the enemy. true, they gain an increase in damage, but by silencing them, you have effectively cut off their main attack. knowing such heroes, they have low health too, making it unreasonable they try to stay and fight you using their suddenly enhanced attack. many do not even recognise they have been empowered anyway, panicking that they suddenly cannot windwalk (clinks), blink (anti-mage) or use any nuking spells (crystal maiden and slayer). the best part is, after bringing the fight to them melee and they decide to run, you can rupture them, further ensuring their death.
the bloodseeker, though at this moment quite grossly imba, actually finds it hard to go it alone or against two heroes. the bloodseeker usually has to dt or gank enemies. that's where his skills shine. whether it is bloodraging the friendly Tiny the stone giant or rupturing and dooming together with the doombringer, the bloodseeker fares better in a team battle, causing the enemies have to make shitty choices. it's die if they stay so that they do not take damage from rupture, die if they choose to run. the only time a bloodseeker can go it alone is if he is one v one and against an agil or intel hero preferably, and one that is damaged anywhere from near death to 3/4 life. empowering yourself (in which case you should rupture the enemy first) or empowering the enemy to silence him/her then casting rupture as they run to escape should be the way to go. if you find yourself fighting the enemy hero and some creeps, if you have placed points into bloodbath, take out enemy creeps to gain back life first.
i must make a note that the bloodseeker, since an agil hero should really play it cautious from level 1 to 6. any idiot can sap your life away now, and some spamming heroes can take you down. zues is just sick versus an early bloodseeker, while vs or even skeleton king with clarity pots can make your life hell as well. think with a mentality of a melee clinks when playing level 1 to 6 bloodseeker and you should do fine.
my skill build i've had moderate success with so far would be as follows:
lvl 1: bloodrage
lvl 2: stats
lvl 3: bloodrage
lvl 4: stats
lvl 5: bloodrage
lvl 6: rupture
lvl 7: stats
lvl 8: bloodbath
lvl 9: bloodrage
lvl 10: bloodbath
lvl 11: rupture
lvl 12: bloodbath
lvl 13: strygwyr's thirst
lvl 14: bloodbath
lvl 15: strygwyr's thirst
lvl 16: rupture
lvl 17: strygwyr's thirst
lvl 18: strygwyr's thirst
lvl 19-25: stats
items that might be good for bloodseeker include the following:
eye of skadi for increased overall stats and frost attack. the frost attack will make life even more hell for your opponent since he will be hard pressed to choose to stay and fight or run, in which case you can simply rupture and turn on your speed. the increased stats boost the fragile life of the bloodseeker too while also upping his mana base, something which he has problems with as well. in this sense, an AM is bloodseeker's worse enemy.
hyperstone or Mom will help alot, since it makes an empowered bloodseeker really powerful. MoM will complement and stack with your blood making it harder for the enemy to stay and fight to go toe to toe with you.
power treads is a must. combined with the strygwyr's thirst skill the bloodseeker is nigh unbeatable in terms of chasing speed. an AM with boots of travel and has blinked will be overtaken. trust me i've seen it happen.
sange and yasha will increase your damage, maim to slow down the opponent and give you Blazing Fast ability to run faster. also a no brainer.
burize and mkb will increase your damage which would combo well with your bloodrage skill. mkb is particularly sweet in this sense, because it also increases attack speed.
remember while you are a sick hero when playing bloodseeker, it is suicide to go it alone. you're as fragile as clinks so play it defensively unless you are sure of a kill. always cooperate with teammates and you'll do fine as bloodseeker. a particular pumped clinks almost took the game once, but was driven back and killed by me and a doombringer when we simultaneously casted our ultimates on him. he whined on messages sent to All before quitting.
this is my first guide here, and please offer constructive comments and not flame so that we can all learn and improve. please tag your comments.
hahahahahaha. wtf man. should be studying.
`donovan. |5:46 PM|